School Visits to Rye Castle Museum
The Museum welcomes school visits to both its sites: RCM Ypres Tower and RCM East Street which is a short walk from the Tower.

RCM Ypres Tower
Ypres Tower has had many uses during the past several hundred years; it has been a home, a gaol, a storehouse, a mortuary. . . . The displays are appropriate to the building and include medieval armaments, smuggling. military uniforms and the ever-popular gaol cells.

RCM East Street
The East Street site houses the main Collection, which covers various aspects of the history of Rye, including a wooden 18th century Fire Engine. complete with leather buckets and hoses and holding 60 gallons of water, used to quench Rye fires for over 120 years. Can you imagine pulling it over Rye’s cobbled streets?
Group Booking Risk Assessment
Group Booking Form
Access Statement
Loan Boxes. The museum has several themed boxes, which may be loaned to schools:
Victorian & Edwardian Collection
This loan box contains a number of objects for the students to handle and talk about. It is aimed to fit in with the History National Curriculum topic on ‘Victorians’, although many of the objects went on being used during the Edwardian period and later. Students can handle small domestic items, discover how they were designed, made and used. They can draw and relate them to costumes, architecture and furniture of the time. This can be used to support History at KS 1 & 2.
Toys through the Ages
This box supports History KS 1 & 2. It contains a variety of toys of various ages and materials, computer discs with a slide show of toys, time-line information, and containers with various words for children to select descriptions of toys.
Seaside Loan Box
This box supports History and Geography KS 1 & 2. It contains a variety of objects from Victorian to Modern times relating to the Seaside. They include bathing suits, souvenirs, postcards, drawings and photographs. There is also music and a tape recording of a seaside visit in the 1930’s.
World War II Loan Boxes
These boxes, supporting History KS 1 & 2, contains a variety of objects concerned with the Home Front including Gas Masks, Posters, Ration Books and I.D. cards and wartime clothing. There is a cookery book, Just William, air raid recordings, wartime music and Churchill speeches.
Cost of the Service
Loan Boxes: £20.00 for WWII boxes, £10 for other boxes, to be collected by the school