What is Rye Museum Association?

The Rye Museum Association is a private limited company and a Registered Charity which:

  • Operates at two sites in the Town, opening both to the public: the RCM Ypres Tower and RCM East Street
  • Undertakes the care and preservation of the RCM Ypres Tower, a Scheduled Monument
  • Undertakes the care and conservation of the various collections that are held by the Company on permanent loan from the Rye Museum Trust
  • Undertakes research into all aspects of Rye’s history and wherever possible makes this information available through the Association’s website
  • Undertakes a wide ranging education programme for children and adults
    Undertakes fundraising and social activity programmes

To find out more or to become a member of RCM Association click here…

Company Number: 03226143 

Registered Charity Number: 105742

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